About Us

Where did our journey start?

We first met working together at a rather deprived, inner city school back in 2006.  During this time our friendship quickly developed as we realised we had the same drive and passions – to help young people thrive, whether that be academically, personally, emotionally or creatively.  To enrich the lives of the children we worked with, we ran a free lunchtime craft club to allow them an enjoyable time when they could be expressive and try out new skills in a setting where they couldn’t "get it wrong".  The children that attended grew in confidence and the uptake was extremely popular. 

Fast forward 17 years!.......more degrees…..full time teaching……more kids……grandkids……and today……..

We began this venture because we understand the benefits of ‘crafting’ as a source of fun and relaxation that can be enjoyed by people of any age.  In children, it teaches them patience, perseverance and the satisfaction of completing tasks at the same time as being extremely enjoyable.  For adults it allows time for relaxation, socialising and a chance to learn new skills.  We wanted to share our love of crafting with others, hence our brainchild ‘Hobbeez’ was born!

The Hobbeez trailer…..

Why a trailer you might ask?  When first embarking on this dream we thought about a premises - (too restrictive for those without transport), a bus - (not very environmentally friendly) and then finally came up with the idea of our Hobbeez trailer! 

So we turned this blank space……..

Into a party space.........

Our Party space

We have designed our party space to ensure it is a comfortable and safe space, suitable for crafters of all ages.  We have removeable furniture, adaptable height tables, an access ramp and weatherproof curtains to keep out the  elements!  

We have a fully equipped first aid kit on board and fire extinguisher. Our trailer is a blank canvas for your party  needs. Banners, bunting and more can be added to ensure your Bee-spoke' craft party is perfect for you! 

Our assurance to you

As fully trained teachers and with DBS certificates, in addition to Health and Safety training, you can rest assured that your little ones (or big ones) will be well looked after. All of our activities are risk assessed and we  maintain safety at the upmost of our commitments. As parents and with a combined teaching experience of over 35  years, we are fully aware of the need for personalisation, differentiation and stimulation for your little ones! If it  is good enough for our kids and grandkids, then we are happy to deliver it to you! 

We also offer grown up crafts such as acrylic pouring art, macramé and garden bunting creations - you name it and  we will aim to do it! Please contact us for more information.  

Thank you for reading. Hope to see you soon! 

Debbie and Louise xx 

Copyright 2022 Hobbeez Ltd
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